Annual Conference of Bangladesh Ceramic Society


Dr. Aftabuddin Ahmed



Mr. AsifAriffTabani

Mr. S. B. Zaman

Dr. KaziNasrinFarooque

Mr. S. M. MahbubAlam



General Secretary:

Mr. Md. Hedayetul Islam



Mr. Md. AbulHossain


Joint Secretary:

Dr. AJM TahuranNeger


Publicity Secretary:

Mr. Md. Mansur Rahman



Mr. Ayub Ali

Dr. AkterUddin Ahmed

Mr. Akter Hamid Dewan

Mr. Shahidul Islam Nizami

Mr. Rustam Ali


Eng. A B MRezaulKarim

Mr. RashedMaksudKhan











Meeting minutes

       1st organizing committee of 14th  Annual Conference of Bangladesh Ceramic Society

                  Venue: IGCRT        Date:11/10/2015        Time: 6-00 pm


  Agenda:  1. Decision on the theme of the upcoming 2 day Annual Conference in December.

                  2. Formation of different committees and proposed name of the members of the         committee.

                  3. Selection of rate of advertisement for publishing a souvenir.


The first meeting of the organizing committee was held at the office room of Director, IGCRT, BCSIR chaired by Dr. Kazi Nasrin Farooque, convener, organizing committee. Ms. Nasrin welcomed everyone in the meeting. The meeting discussed various important issues like the theme of the conference, formation of different committees, chief guest, special guest, guest of honor, date and venue of the conference and other related issues. The EC meeting on the 8th October 2015 proposed the name of Ms. Kazi Nasrin Farooque to be the convener of the upcoming annual conference in December.  Dr. AJM Tahuran Neger being the member secretary of the conference as decided in the meeting.

The following persons were present in the meeting:

Dr. Aftauddin Ahmed, President

Mr. S.M. Mahbub Alam, Vice president

Mr. Md. Hedayetul Islam, General Secretary

Mr. Md. Abul Hossain, Treasurer

Dr. AJM Tahuran Neger, Joint Secretary

Mr. Md. Mansur Rahman, Publicity Secretary

Mr. AH Dewan, member

Md. Masudul Haque

Mr. Abdul Awal Khan

Faridul Haque Faruk

 After detail discussion, the meeting adopted the following resolution.

1. Theme of the conference:

The theme of the conference as decided by the members of the organizing committee is:

Alternative uninterrupted energy for Ceramic Industries”. There will be 2 plenary lectures. 


2. Date  and Venue:

Proposed date -  31/12/15 and 1/1/16.

Venue -  IFST seminar room is selected subject to approval by BCSIR authority.



It was decided that an exhibition of ceramic products (tableware, tiles etc.) will be arranged during conference at BCSIR auditorium.






4.Souvenir :

It was decided by the organizing committee that a souvenir will be published on this occasion. The rate of advertisement is being fixed as follows:

  1. Back page    (full)                                        Tk. 50,000
  2. Inside cover  back page (full)                    Tk.40,000
  3. Back page    (full)                                        Tk. 50,000
  4. Inside cover  back page (full)                    Tk.40,000
  5. Inside back page (full)                               Tk. 40,000
  6. Inner full page                                            Tk. 25,000
  7. Inner half page                                          Tk. 15000


   5.Tentative program:


The two day conference will start with an inaugural function followed by plenary lectures (2 or 3) on the theme of the conference. There will be two technical sessions on original research work. Each technical session will start with a key note speech. The program will end after AGM and cultural function.


31/12/15                                      1/1/16

11.00 am : Inauguration                 10.00 – 12.00pm  : Technical session 2

12.00  pm: Plenary lecture                      11.30 am                : Tea

2.00 pm : Lunch                                           2.00 pm                : Lunch

2.30 pm: Technical session                        3.00 pm                : AGM

4.00 pm :Tea                                                6.00 pm                 : Cultural program

                                                                       7.30 pm                 : Dinner

List of different sub- committees and proposed name of the members of the committee


A)  Invitation sub-committee

1.   Md. Hedayetul Islam(Convener of the committee)

                    2. S.M. Mahbub Alam

3. Faridul Haque Faruk

4.  Md. A.H .Dewan


            B)  Reception sub-committee

    All EC members are the member of this committee. The committee will be   headed by  President


            C)  Fund raising sub-committee

  1. S B Zaman (Convener of the committee)

  2.  S.M. Mahbub Alam

  3.    Faridul Haque Faruk

 4.    Dr. M A Matin





















Dr. Aftabuddin Ahmed



Mr. AsifAriffTabani

Mr. S. B. Zaman

Dr. KaziNasrinFarooque

Mr. S. M. MahbubAlam



General Secretary:

Mr. Md. Hedayetul Islam



Mr. Md. AbulHossain


Joint Secretary:

Dr. AJM TahuranNeger


Publicity Secretary:

Mr. Md. Mansur Rahman



Mr. Ayub Ali

Dr. AkterUddin Ahmed

Mr. Akter Hamid Dewan

Mr. Shahidul Islam Nizami

Mr. Rustam Ali


Eng. A B MRezaulKarim

Mr. RashedMaksudKhan




    D) Registration sub-committee

   1.  Sanjeeda Mustafi (Convener of the committee)

    2.  Sabrina Mostafa

    3. Sagirul Islam

    4. Monjurul Karim

     5.Mamunur Rashid


     E) Technical sub-committee

    1.Dr. Bazlur Rasid (Convener of the committee)

     2.Dr. A . Dr. AJM Tahuran Neger

     3. Dr. Samina Ahmed

     4. Dr. Jenifer Yeasmin

     5.  Dr. M A Matin

     6. Nahid Sarmin


     F) Entertainment sub-committee

1.Md. A.H .Dewan (Convener of the committee)

2. Mr. Mainul Ahsan

3.Md. Hedayetul Islam

4.Md. Lutfor Rahman

5. Md. Mahfujur Rahman


    G) Printing and Publication sub- committee

  1. Mr. Md. Mansur Rahman (Convener of the committee)
  2. Dr. Samina Ahmed
  3. Dr. Jenifer Yeasmin
  4. Nahid Sarmin
  5. Umme Sarmin


    H)Cultural program sub-committee

  1.  Md. Hedayetul Islam  (Convener of the committee)
  2. Nahid Sarmin
  3. Shirin Akhter Jahan
  4. Mythila
  5. Sabrina Mostafa


      I) Conference venue management sub-committee

             1.   Md. A.H .Dewan (Convener of the committee)

    2.    Md. Moniruz Zaman

             3.   Sagirul Islam

  1. Sabrina Mostafa
  2. Lutfor Rahman



















Dr. Aftabuddin Ahmed



Mr. AsifAriffTabani

Mr. S. B. Zaman

Dr. KaziNasrinFarooque

Mr. S. M. MahbubAlam



General Secretary:

Mr. Md. Hedayetul Islam



Mr. Md. AbulHossain


Joint Secretary:

Dr. AJM TahuranNeger


Publicity Secretary:

Mr. Md. Mansur Rahman



Mr. Ayub Ali

Dr. AkterUddin Ahmed

Mr. Akter Hamid Dewan

Mr. Shahidul Islam Nizami

Mr. Rustam Ali


Eng. A B MRezaulKarim

Mr. RashedMaksudKhan




The meeting also discussed about an exhibition where all ceramic/ tile/glass manufacturers can display their product. Miners, raw materials  and chemical suppliers, equipment manufacturers and suppliers can also participate. The rate of the stall will be tk 10,000.


Registration fee decided in the meeting is as follows:

Member –         Tk. 400

Non member – Tk. 500

Student –           Tk. 200


This will include a coference kit, 2 lunches and conference dinner.


Convener asked everyone to co-opt  other important person so that they can contribute  their expertise in organizing the conference in a smooth manner.


 Detail of the program of the conference will be provided after printing of the 1st circular.


The meeting ended giving thanks to all the members present in the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting will be distributed to all the members of the various committees .







 Kazi Nasrin Farooque
